Pet sitting reviews in Palm Beach Island, FL
Pet Sitting Pricing in Palm Beach Island, FL
Dog Walking and Pet Sitting Visits
15 minutes visit $20
30 minutes visit $25
1 hour visit $40
There is a $5 surcharge on weekends and visits requested for before 7 AM and after 7 PM
50% surcharge on major holidays: New years day, 4th of July, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas
Dog Boarding in the Pet Sitters’ Home
Small to medium size dogs $60/day
Larger dogs (over 25 pound) $70/day
We only take care of a limited number of well-behaved, social dogs in our home.
Overnight Pet Sitting in your Home
Overnight pet sitting in your home $80
$20 surcharge for weekends and holidays
This service is between 9 pm and 6 am and includes two walks, one when we arrive and one before we leave your home. (You probably will need one or two additional visits during the day if you have a dog.
Palm Beach Island Pet sitters
Why choose our pet sitting in Palm Beach Island?
Our pet sitting services in Palm Beach Island
- We love animals, and we are knowledgeable about pet care
- Our Company is Licensed, Insured, and Bonded
- Our dog walks are GPS tracked with time and map
- We send our clients daily updates with photos
- 24/7 service all year round, rain or shine
- We are an accredited member of Pet Sitters International
- We love giving the best pet sitting service
- Check out our Google reviews
– Daily Dog Walking
– Cat Sitting Visits
– Dog Sitting in the Pet Sitter’s Home
– Overnight Pet Sitting in Your Home
– Vacation Pet Care
– Short and Long-Term House Sitting
– Pet Transportation