Florida pet raccoon

Introduction to Racoons as a pet 

Raccoons, with their endearing faces and mischievous antics, have long captured the imaginations of animal lovers. As tempting as it may be to bring one of these adorable creatures into your home, it’s important to remember that raccoons are not traditional pets, and there are numerous reasons why experts advise against keeping them as such. This article explores the unique challenges and considerations associated with raccoon ownership, from legality and ethics to their behavior, care, and potential benefits and drawbacks of having one as a companion.

Legality and Ethics of Racoons as a pet

One of the primary concerns when considering a raccoon as a pet is its legality. The legal status of pet raccoons varies from place to place, with some areas permitting their ownership while others strictly forbid it. Even where it is legal, numerous regulations surround raccoon ownership, such as importation restrictions and consequences for pets that escape or cause problems within the community.

Can you have a raccoon as a pet in Florida? Yes, But not a good idea.

Ethical considerations also come into play. Can you provide a proper environment and nutrition for the raccoon? Will you respect its boundaries as a wild animal that can’t be fully domesticated? It’s crucial to prioritize the animal’s well-being over your desire to own it. Experts recommend spending time around raccoons through wildlife rehabilitation or with exotic veterinary professionals to better understand their behavior and needs.

High Maintenance Companions

Raccoons are known for their intelligence and problem-solving abilities, making them fascinating companions. However, their wild nature and unpredictability make them high-maintenance pets. They can cause considerable damage to your home and belongings due to their innate curiosity and need for exploration. Their sharp claws and teeth can easily destroy property, making raccoon-proofing essential.

These creatures require ample space to roam, climb, and explore to stay content. They don’t thrive in cages or confined spaces, and providing a secure outdoor enclosure can be an excellent option for allowing them to play safely. While they can bond with their human caregivers, they may also be quick to bite if annoyed or frightened, and they can be aggressive towards other pets, especially smaller animals.

Raccoons’ Health and Diet

Raccoons as a pet in FloridaRaccoons are omnivores, meaning their diet consists of both meat and plants. Their meals should include a variety of foods like dog food, poultry, fish, eggs, insects, vegetables, and fruits. Providing treats like nuts and fatty foods should be done sparingly to prevent obesity. Additionally, raccoons have a quirky habit of dunking their food in water before consuming it, which necessitates regular cleaning of their food and water dishes.

These animals can carry various diseases and parasites, such as rabies, canine distemper, and intestinal roundworms. Raccoons raised in captivity are less likely to contract these illnesses, but regular veterinary checkups are still crucial to ensure their health. Finding an experienced veterinarian who specializes in raccoons can be challenging but is essential for their well-being.

Space, Upkeep Costs, and Training of Raccoons 

Raccoons require a substantial amount of space to move and exercise freely. Providing branches, shelves, and toys for mental and physical enrichment is necessary to prevent obesity. Training them is possible due to their intelligence, but potty training can be challenging, as they are selective about obedience.

The monthly cost of maintaining a raccoon includes their varied diet, toys, and occasional veterinary expenses. Plan to spend between $30 and $50 per month on average, with budgeting for annual checkups and potential emergency care.

Pros and Cons of Raccoon Ownership

Raccoons can be charming and playful companions, forming bonds with their caregivers. However, their need for space and constant supervision can be challenging. Being nocturnal creatures, their lively behavior may disrupt your sleep.


While the idea of owning a raccoon as a pet is undoubtedly intriguing, it’s vital to consider the legal, ethical, and practical aspects of raccoon ownership. These intelligent and endearing creatures are best appreciated from a distance or, if you have the dedication and resources, as part of a wildlife rehabilitation effort. Ultimately, owning a raccoon is a complex endeavor that requires careful consideration and a deep commitment to providing for the well-being of these remarkable animals. But if you are already a raccoon owner and you are looking for a reliable pet sitting in Palm Beach County please consider our company www.houseandhoundcare.com